The Crete Senesi

All around Podere Vesta there are the Crete Senesi, a timeless image of endless wheat fields where small villages, parish churches, farmhouses, and seemingly aimless white roads appear and disappear. The area extends southeast of Siena and includes the municipalities of Asciano, Buonconvento, Monteroni d’Arbia, and San Giovanni d’Asso, known for the production of white truffle. From Asciano, magnificent roads depart: the historic Lauretana towards Siena, the road to Rapolano, and the splendid white road of Monte Sante Marie. The 14th-century Abbey of Monte Oliveto Maggiore, the most important monastic complex in the Siena area, is worth a visit. In addition to white truffles, the local oil and pecorino cheese are must-tastes.
